New Tentative Interim Amendment (TIA)
In accordance with the IAPMO Regulations Governing Committee Projects, IAPMO would like to announce that a Tentative Interim Amendment...
International Emerging Technology Symposium Provides Glimpse to the Future
Those who were unable to attend the International Emerging Technology Symposium, a forward-glimpsing clearinghouse of ideas and solutions...
IAPMO R&T to Guide Clients Through ISO 9001:2008 Transition
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) have laid the groundwork for a...
Uniform Solar Energy and Swimming Pool, Spa and Hot Tub Codes Adopt ANSI Consensus Development Process
The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO), publishers of the ANSI-accredited Uniform Plumbing Code and...
State of Florida Approves IAPMO ES
The Florida State Legislature has accepted IAPMO ES as an approved certification body. This means Authorities Having Jurisdiction across...
Simpson Strong-Tie Receives First Evaluation Report from IAPMO ES
IAPMO ES, a trusted name in the evaluation of building products, materials and designs, completed an evaluation report for several...
79th IAPMO Conference to be Held in the Big Peach, Atlanta
The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) raises the bar each year with its annual conference, renowned...
International Emerging Technology Symposium Gathers Impressive List of Speakers
Mokena, IL — Mobile phones, iPods and the Internet — all essentially unheard of technologies 20 years ago and, today, items most of us...
Foreign or Domestic: We’ve Got Our Standards
We’ve seen a lot of news stories lately about products from China being recalled due to safety concerns. Without question, such reports...
IAPMO R&T Lab Introduces Cell Class Testing
IAPMO R&T Lab, a long-trusted name in independent testing, research and technical services for the plumbing and mechanical industries,...