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Stuart Henry to lead IAPMO R&T Oceana

Melbourne, Australia – The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) is pleased to announce longtime plumbing advocate, former chairman of the World Plumbing Council (WPC) and recent member of Australian Parliament Stuart Henry has joined the organization as Managing Director of IAPMO R&T Oceana, IAPMO’s base of operations in the South Pacific.

Henry brings a uniquely diverse wealth of experience to R&T Oceana, where he will oversee daily operations and expand the business unit’s reach and influence in the region. In addition to his international business savvy, Henry’s stewardship of the WPC (2002-2005) has well prepared him for this new endeavor.

In October 2004, Henry was elected to Parliament as a member of the Coalition Government, working on two House of Representatives standing committees and several Government Member’s committees, including serving as secretary of the Trade and Foreign Affairs Committee. Last November, Henry lost his bid for reelection by a mere 1,853 votes. During his time in the House, Henry was the driving force behind a Standing Committee on Environment and Heritage report titled “Managing the Flow: Regulating Plumbing Product Quality.”

“IAPMO’s desire to make a positive contribution to the Australian plumbing industry will certainly be fortified both by the groundwork Stuart Henry laid while previously serving the Australian plumbing industry, and more recently during his time in Parliament, and his continuing of those efforts now with IAPMO Australia,” said Russ Chaney, IAPMO executive director. “His House of Representatives led inquiry into plumbing quality regulations produced a watershed report that echoes many of the tenets of IAPMO’s commitment to clean, safe water systems.”

Following an early career in farming, Henry founded a small specialist concrete drilling and sawing operation in Western Australia that expanded into the construction and demolition industries. He next came overseas to join a U.S. venture promoting an innovative technology for onshore oil production based in Dallas, Texas, before ultimately returning to Perth, Australia, to serve as chief executive officer of both the Master Plumbers and Mechanical Services Association and the Master Painters, Decorators and Signwriters Association. Henry served in this capacity for nearly two decades before resigning upon winning election to Parliament.

“Stuart Henry will make a huge impact on IAPMO and the industry,” said Allen Inlow, IAPMO senior director of Business and Product Development. “I have known Stuart nearly 20 years, periodically working with him both on the World Plumbing Council and during his time as a member of Australian Parliament. His contributions and commitment to the industry are exceptional and continuous. IAPMO Oceana R&T and Stuart will make a great team in continuing that constructive progress.”

Henry calls himself a “committed advocate for the plumbing industry” and is excited to be able to continue his career in that capacity with IAPMO. He offers an essential complement to the direction already provided by IAPMO Oceana R&T Director Michael Kefford.

“IAPMO, in my mind, encapsulates the leadership opportunity available to this industry, both with regard to its global outreach and its application of strategies at the local level that have helped grow the organization to where it is today,” Henry said. “I’m proud to have the opportunity to work with such a progressive, visionary organization and hope I can make a positive contribution to The IAPMO Group’s future objectives.”

Based in Melbourne, IAPMO R&T Oceana is accredited by the Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ). It certifies plumbing and drainage products to use the WaterMark™ symbol and strongly supports the federal government’s introduction of the Water Efficiency Labeling Scheme (WELS), an important initiative affecting manufacturers of plumbing products, sanitary ware and white goods.

Last modified: January 4, 2023
