Significant New Alternatives Policy Program
Under section 612 of the Clean Air Act (CAA), EPA reviews substitutes in a comparative risk framework. EPA lists these substitutes as acceptable, acceptable subject to use conditions, acceptable subject to narrowed use limits, or unacceptable (prohibited) for specific uses. Section 612 requires EPA to list as acceptable those substitutes that do not present a significantly greater risk to human health and the environment as compared with other substitutes that are currently or potentially available. As part of the evaluation of overall risk to human health and the environment, EPA considers many criteria, including the flammability or toxicity of a substitute, as well as environmental risks such as ecosystem impacts, local air quality, or impacts on the global atmosphere.
Today’s Action
Under this proposed rule, a number of substances would be listed as acceptable; acceptable, subject to use conditions; or acceptable, with narrowed use conditions, in the refrigeration and air conditioning sector and the foam blowing sector. This action also proposes to remove an acceptable subject to use conditions listing for the fire suppression sectorwhere EPA has more recently listed the substitute as acceptable with no use restrictions. Consistent with CAA section 612 as it has historically been interpreted under the SNAP program, EPA is proposing to issue these listings and modifications based on evaluation of the substitutes addressed in this action using the SNAP criteria for review and considering other available and potentially available substitutes.
Proposed Rule What is proposed in the Rule?
• Lists several substances as acceptable, acceptable subject to use conditions, or acceptable subject to narrowed use limits
• Clarifies status of acceptable fire suppression alternative
Which industrial sectors are included?
• Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
• Foam Blowing
• Fire Suppression & Explosion Protection
Who would be affected?
• Chemical producers
• Air conditioning and refrigeration equipment and foam manufacturers
• Some end users of equipment and products using refrigerants, fire suppressants, and foam blowing agents
When are public comments due?
Must be received by 45 days after publication in the Federal Register.

Last modified: May 29, 2020