Written by IAPMO 3:20 pm Code News

National Standard Plumbing Code (NSPC) Committee Requests Proposed Changes for 2021 NSPC

In order to facilitate the development of an updated National Standard Plumbing Code–Illustrated (NSPC) , the IAPMO NSPC Committee is requesting proposed changes to the 2018 NSPC. All proposed changes are due by March 1, 2019. If approved, these changes will appear in the 2021 National Standard Plumbing Code–Illustrated.

All proposed changes must be submitted in electronic form to nspc@iapmo.org. If a standard is referenced, a copy of that standard must accompany the proposed code change that is submitted to the committee.

The National Standard Plumbing Code uses an annual review process and publishes the complete code every three years. For a copy of the code change form with instructions or more information on the National Standard Plumbing Code–Illustrated, please visit www.iapmo.org/nspc.

For more information, please contact the IAPMO NSPC staff at nspc@iapmo.org.

Last modified: July 9, 2018
