Joe Rode
1. What is your title and what role are you now filling at IAPMO?
I am a senior product manager working in the Marketing and Communications department. My role is to work with our “blue logo” (revenue-generating) business units to help better develop and communicate their marketing message with the marketing team.
2. Any special projects and/or areas of focus you are addressing in your new job?
Initially, and especially since I am new to the plumbing and building industries, I have been focusing on learning about our company’s business model and the functions of each business unit. I have spent time with members of certification and testing in particular and also meeting with principals from many of our business units, attending trade shows, and client visits with members of Business Development. I am working with specific business units and the Business Development team to expand and modify the email messaging that we send to prospective new customers and existing customers before trade shows.
3. Where were you working previously?
I have spent my entire career in the automotive and marine aftermarkets, either in the publishing sector or selling hot rod and boat parts. For seven years, I worked for Primedia (now known as Motor Trend), a publishing company that produced as many as 77 automotive and lifestyle magazines, including Motor Trend, Hot Rod, and Surfer. I began there as an advertising sales manager but was promoted to publisher of four automotive titles. While there, I also created and launched a performance boating magazine, Sportboat. Due to the accelerated demise of print publications, I left the publishing industry and went to work for several manufacturers of parts for muscle cars and classic trucks, including Eddie Motorsports, Lokar, and Classic Performance Products. Those companies manufactured things like engine accessory drive kits, steering wheels, shifters, brakes, and suspension parts.
5. Family?
Wife, Jennifer, and three children — Jennaca, 35 (husband, David, 35, grandson Asher 1 1/2); Jacob, 30 (wife, Mimi, 29); and Joseph, 25.
6. Outside interests?
I enjoy cycling (road) and camping, mostly at the beach, in our travel trailer with my family. I like to write (mostly about boats and sometimes cars). I also like watching basketball, baseball, and Formula 1.
7. What is something interesting about you that people would be surprised to discover or immediately want to know more about?
I have a podcast about performance boats.
8. Quotable
From the first time I read about IAPMO from the job posting that caught my eye, I have been intrigued by the company’s business model and the dynamics of the interactions of its many business units. I have enjoyed getting to meet so many new, interesting people, especially the engineers, as I have never worked with any previously. I look forward to the day when I can fully understand how it all works together and can enjoy being a highly effective member of the Marketing and Communications team.
Last modified: May 8, 2024