Despite the technical issues that blocked accessibility to exhibitor booths at last month’s KBIS 2021 Virtual, selected on-demand conference programming will continue through the balance 2021, with an update on the status of the postponed digital event due imminently, KBIS officials said last week.
According to the National Kitchen & Bath Association, owner of the Kitchen & Bath Industry Show (KBIS), selected KBIS 2021 Virtual conference programming – including KBIS NeXT Stage, Pavilions and NKBA Voices from the Industry – will be available on-demand through the end of the year on the association’s website, An update regarding the status of Expo Hall access will be announced this week, the NKBA said.
Technical difficulties with the online platform providing access to the Expo Hall at KBIS 2021 Virtual and the concurrent International Builders Show (IBSx) led to the indefinite postponement of the show floor experience and forced major changes to the two virtual experiences. According to longtime show producer Emerald and the NKBA, show officials are investigating alternative solutions that may allow the exhibitor experience and booth activations to be relaunched.
KBIS 2021 Virtual was scheduled to take place concurrent with the digital version of the International Builders’ Show (IBSx) as part of “Design & Construction Week,” the premier annual trade event for the North American residential design and construction industries. IBSx is owned by the Washington, DC-based National Association of Home Builders.
12,000+ attendees were registered to attend KBIS 2021 Virtual. Exhibitors representing 155 brands were scheduled to participate in the digital event, the NKBA said.
A return to live formats for both KBIS and IBS is scheduled for Feb. 8-10, 2022 in Orlando, FL.
Article originally from Kitchen & Bath Design News magazine

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Last modified: December 30, 2022