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IAPMO’s Uniform Evaluation Service Offers Remote Surveillance Inspections

In order to ensure that manufacturers remain in compliance during these challenging times, IAPMO’s Uniform Evaluation Service (UES) will begin accepting remote surveillance inspections.

With travel restrictions in place for all IAPMO personnel to protect their health and help prevent the spread of COVID-19, manufacturer clients require an alternate means to demonstrate compliance. UES has carefully prepared a new temporary program that effectively meets this need, including third-party inspection agency’s insights to ensure remote inspections are properly performed, particularly regarding the development of applicable and efficient methods to do so.

While information collected as part of these remote inspections will vary, UES understands each third-party inspection agency operating under the ISO 17020 (Accreditation for Inspection Agencies) standard will be subject to its own audit and therefore responsible to ensure adequate information is gathered. Information that is normally visually confirmed during a physical visit may require additional documentation to be provided. 

The remote inspection may also include, but not be limited to, video conferencing (via Microsoft Teams, FaceTime, WeChat, Line, WhatsApp, Skype, Zoom, etc.) and will likely be based on technological capabilities at each facility.

As social distancing measures remain fluid and vary state by state, additional changes may be required moving forward.

“We believe it is our social responsibility to assist in flattening the curve,” said Jerry Carrier, UES Senior Vice President. “Once it is determined that it is safe for inspectors to travel, physical inspections should resume. We thank you for your continuing support and understanding. These are certainly unique and trying times.”

To view a list of remote services provided, direct your web browser to: https://www.iapmoes.org/uniform/building-products-evaluation-program/remote-inspection

While UES understands that each inspection agency will have its own requirements for individual remote inspections, please don’t hesitate to contact UES personnel with any concerns or questions at (909) 472-4100 or info@uniform-es.org.


IAPMO UES is one of the most prominent evaluation service providers in the country (as noted by SEAOC, see Uniform-ES.org for details). UES reports provide evidence that products and systems satisfy code requirements within the scope and conditions of use as noted in each report. 

IAPMO’s UES offers a full range of recognition opportunities, including recognition for the applicable national model codes, as well as Florida, California, and various other state codes. By combining all of these recognitions into one concise report, listing, or certificate prepared by an internationally recognized product certification body, the UES program reduces cost and increases value.

IAPMO Uniform ES evaluates building products, materials, and designs according to all applicable codes and standards, ensuring continuous compliance to such documents. IAPMO Uniform ES is part of The IAPMO Group.

Last modified: April 23, 2020
