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IAPMO Standards Council Issues TIA UMC-005-15

The IAPMO Standards Council on Aug. 31 issued a Tentative Interim Amendment (TIA) amending the 2015 edition of the Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC®).

TIA UMC-005-15 revises UMC Section 603.4.1 Length Limitation to add the sentence “Flexible air ducts shall be permitted to be used as an elbow at a terminal device.”

The TIA was balloted through the Mechanical Technical Committee in accordance with the Regulations Governing Committee Projects to determine if there existed the necessary three-fourths majority support on technical merit and emergency nature to establish the recommendation for issuance. In the case of TIA UMC-005-15, the letter ballot passed on both accounts.

In determining whether or not to issue a TIA, the Standards Council looks to the Technical Committee letter ballot for a recommendation of support. Upon a full review and consideration of all the information available to it, the Council agreed with the substantiation submitted by the proponent and thus voted to accept the recommendation of the Technical Committee and issue TIA UMC-005-15.

Furthermore, the regulations state that TIAs issued after the proposal closing date shall also apply, where the text of the existing document remains unchanged, to the next edition of the document. If through the conclusion of the Association Technical Meeting Convention and subsequent TC balloting and all appeals, Section 603.4.1 of the 2018 UMC maintains the text of the 2015 edition then, in accordance with the regulations, TIA UMC-005-15 shall also apply to the 2018 UMC.

To examine TIA UMC-005-15 in its entirety, please direct your Web browser HERE.

TIAs are proposals based on the determination of an emergency nature requiring prompt action to amend code that contains an error or omission that was overlooked during the regular code development process, contains a conflict within the document or with another IAPMO document, or to correct a hazard, promote an advancement in safeguarding the public or provide an opportunity to correct an adverse impact on a product or method of installation.

Last modified: September 1, 2017
