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IAPMO Seeks UMC A2L Task Group Members

The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) is accepting applications and seeking technical experts to participate on a task group relating to A2L refrigerants for mechanical systems.

The scope of the Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC) A2L Task Group is to develop recommendations to further this technology, determine the methods available to address A2L exposure risk to public health and safety, expand on the usage and control of A2L refrigerants associated with mechanical systems and equipment, and address related issues such as flammability risk, toxicity, permissible exposure limit, leak detection systems, chemical compatibility and stability, and maintenance procedures for mechanical systems. The task group recommendations will be forwarded to the UMC Technical Committee for consideration in the development of the 2024 edition of the UMC.

Task group members will participate via conference call or web meeting, provide their perspective on the code, and assist in drafting recommendations for action by the UMC Technical Committee’s consideration. Applicants are not required to be members of the UMC Technical Committee.

Those interested in participating on the A2L Task Group can apply at the following URL:

The deadline to apply is May 15.

Published by IAPMO in 1967, the UMC is developed to govern the installation and inspection of mechanical (HVAC, combustion, exhaust, refrigeration) systems as a means of promoting the public’s health, safety and welfare.

Developed and subsequently republished at the conclusion of each three-year code cycle, the Uniform Codes are designed to provide consumers with safe plumbing, heating, and mechanical systems while, at the same time, allowing latitude for innovation and new technologies.

Interested individuals may contact Zalmie Hussein at (909) 218-8122 or by email at Zalmie.Hussein@iapmo.org.

Last modified: April 9, 2020
