Written by IAPMO 3:31 pm IAPMO R&T - WaterSense, Product Testing & Certification

IAPMO R&T Lists First WaterSense High Efficiency Lavatory Faucet

IAPMO R&T is pleased to recognize NEOPERL as the first manufacturer to be independently certified to meet the U.S. EPA WaterSense criteria for lavatory faucets.

The WaterSense program offers consumers a simple way to make product choices that use less water, with no sacrifice to quality or product performance. Products bearing the WaterSense mark are certified more water-efficient than products that don’t meet WaterSense standards.

Using water more efficiently will conserve supplies for future generations. According to U.S. EPA estimates, at least 36 states are projecting water shortages by 2013. Each American uses an average of 100 gallons of water per day at home, but by making simple changes can easily reduce that figure by 30 percent.

“IAPMO R&T is proud to report that two other manufacturers have listed their products to this specification,” said Shahin Moinian, senior director of IAPMO R&T, “and there are more manufacturers that are strongly considering certification of their products to the specification in the near future.”

Protecting and preserving the nation’s water supply is critical to the United States’ economic future and human health.

Marie-Helene Pernin of NEOPERL said the company pushed hard to meet the standard because “WaterSense-labeled products perform as well as or better than their less-efficient counterparts. By making available WaterSense-labeled products, we can help our customers protect the environment and help them save money on utility bills.”

For more information on having products listed, contact Tricia.Schwenke@IAPMORT.org or for more information on the WaterSense program visit www.epa.gov/watersense.

IAPMO R&T certifies and lists plumbing and mechanical products according to established US and Canadian codes and standards, ensuring continuous compliance to such documents. IAPMO R&T is part of The IAPMO Group’s family of companies.

Last modified: January 16, 2024
