Written by IAPMO 1:13 pm Code News, IAPMO News

IAPMO Board of Directors Issues TIA UPC-002-18 and Petition No. 02-21

The IAPMO Board of Directors on Jan. 22 issued one Tentative Interim Amendment and granted one petition affecting the 2018 and 2021 editions of the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC®) , respectively.

TIA UPC-002-18 revises text in the 2018 UPC Section 715.3 regarding existing sewers. Petition No. 02-21 revises text in the 2021 UPC Section 715.3 regarding existing sewers.

The TIA was balloted through the Plumbing Technical Committee in accordance with the Regulations Governing Committee Projects to determine if there existed the necessary three-fourths majority support on technical merit and emergency nature to establish the recommendation for issuance. In the case of TIA UPC-002-18, the letter ballot did not pass on both accounts. Subsequently, the applicant appealed the TIA to the IAPMO Standards Council; the Council declined to issue the TIA. Upon a Petition to the IAPMO Board of Directors, the Board found contrary to the UPC TC that the TIA possesses technical merit. Further, the Board recognized Section 5-2(f) of the IAPMO Regulations Governing Committee Projects reads, in its entirety: “The proposed TIA intends to correct a circumstance in which the revised document has resulted in an adverse impact on a product or method that was inadvertently overlooked in the total revision process, or was without adequate technical (safety) justification for the action.” The Board determined that the TIA satisfies this section. As a result, the TIA has been issued and Section 715.3 of the 2018 UPC shall read as set forth in the below link.

Regarding the petition on this same Section 715.3 of the 2021 UPC, the Board of Directors acted upon a finding of extraordinary circumstance in accordance with the Regulations Governing Committee Projects. Read the petition in its entirety at the link below.
• To examine TIA UPC 002-18 in its entirety, please direct your Web browser HERE

• To examine petition No. 02-21 in its entirety, please direct your Web browser HERE

TIAs are proposals based on the determination of an emergency nature requiring prompt action to amend code that contains an error or omission that was overlooked during the regular code development process, contains a conflict within the document or with another IAPMO document, or to correct a hazard, promote an advancement in safeguarding the public or provide an opportunity to correct an adverse impact on a product or method of installation.

Last modified: February 28, 2020
