Written by IAPMO 11:55 am Code News

IAPMO Advances 2012 Uniform Codes at Technical Committee Meetings

The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) last week completed Technical Committee Meetings toward the development of the 2012 editions of the American National Standard designated Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC©) and Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC©).

During the May 2-4 meetings at the Downtown Hilton at the Ballpark Hotel in St. Louis, the committees reviewed and moved to accept or reject public comments regarding proposed amendments to the 2009 editions of the Uniform Codes. Proposals address such issues as air admittance valves, manifold systems, vacuum waste drainage systems, concealed gas piping, gas purging and HVAC unit refrigerant port security.

In accordance with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) accredited code development process, balloting through the UPC and UMC Technical Committees will begin on May 16 and conclude on June 8. Ballot results will be posted to the IAPMO Website on June 14. The Report on Comments (ROC) will be created from these balloted actions and distributed to committee members on Aug. 22.

All suggested code amendments/additions/deletions published in the ROC shall be reviewed before the public during the UPC, UMC Technical Meeting Convention at IAPMO’s annual Education and Business Conference, Sept, 26-29, in San Antonio, Texas, and voted upon by eligible IAPMO members in attendance at that time.

IAPMO employs a consensus development process accredited by ANSI, gathering the largest assembly of plumbing and mechanical experts in the world at its annual Education and Business Conference and Technical Committee Meetings, enabling anyone — members and non-members alike — to have a voice and a vote on proposed changes to the code. The 2012 editions of the UPC and UMC will mark the fourth time these codes have been developed in this manner.

IAPMO urges its members and other interested parties to get involved in the code development process to ensure effectiveness in preserving the public health, safety and welfare through strict governance of the Uniform Codes. Installers, plumbing and mechanical officials, the construction industry, engineers and manufacturers all benefit from a cooperative effort in developing codes.

The entire 2012 code cycle timeline, as well as background on IAPMO’s ANSI-accredited consensus development process, can be found here.

For any further questions, please contact Lynne Simnick, IAPMO director of Code Development, at (909) 472-4110 or lynne.simnick@iapmo.org.

Sponsor of the Uniform Codes, IAPMO – The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials – works in concert with government and industry for safe, sanitary plumbing and mechanical systems. Learn more about IAPMO at www.iapmo.org.


IAPMO develops and publishes the Uniform Plumbing Code®,the most widely recognized code of practice used by the plumbing industry worldwide; Uniform Mechanical Code®; Uniform Swimming Pool, Spa and Hot Tub Code®; and Uniform Solar Energy, Hydronics and Geothermal Code — the only plumbing, mechanical, solar energy and swimming pool codes designated by ANSI as American National Standards — and the Water Efficiency Standard (WE-Stand)™. IAPMO works with government, contractors, labor force, and manufacturers to produce product standards, technical manuals, personnel certification/educational programs and additional resources in order to meet the ever-evolving demands of the industry in protecting public health and safety.

Last modified: December 30, 2022
