Written by IAPMO 7:06 am ASSE

Harmonized ASSE 1037-2015/ASME A112.1037-2015/CSA B125.37-15 Now Available

Performance Requirements for Pressurized Flushing Devices for Plumbing Fixtures

ASSE 1037-2015/ASME A112.1037-2015/CSA B125.37-15, Performance Requirements for Pressurized Flushing Devices for Plumbing Fixtures, has been approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and is now available for purchase.

This standard results from a harmonization agreement between three premiere North American standards development organizations – the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), ASSE International and CSA Group. This agreement, which details the harmonization of four product performance standards, was designed to bring clarity to the international plumbing community and help reduce costs for manufacturers and consumers. The first ASME/ASSE/CSA-harmonized standard, ASSE 1016-2011/ASME A112.1016-2011/CSA B125.16-11, was published in July 2011.

ASSE 1037-2015/ASME A112.1037-2015/CSA B125.37-15, which covers pressurized flushing devices (PFDs) intended to flush water closets, urinals and other plumbing fixtures, establishes unified performance requirements for the safe and sanitary operation of these devices and specifies requirements for materials, design, methods of operation, test methods and markings.

“Harmonization of performance requirements benefits U.S. and Canadian manufacturers, as well as testing and certification agencies, by eliminating different requirements for the same product offered in both countries,” said ASME/ASSE/CSA Harmonization Task Group Co-Chair Mark Malatesta. “Harmonization efforts also benefit plumbing code developers and plumbing code enforcement agencies by allowing for one product standard to be referenced. This harmonization allows pressurized flushing devices to be designed, manufactured and tested to a common standard, providing assurance of consistent, high-quality products and a common basis for comparison.”

This standard was prepared by the ASSE/ASME/CSA Harmonization Task Group on Plumbing Fittings, under the jurisdiction of the ASME A112 Standards Committee on Plumbing Materials and Equipment, the ASSE International Product Standards Committee and the CSA Technical Committee on Plumbing Fittings.

This harmonized standard supersedes the previous editions of ASSE 1037, published in 1990 and 1986, and CSA B125.3, published in 2012, 2011 and 2005. To purchase the ANSI-approved ASSE 1037-2015/ASME A112.1037-2015/CSA B125.37-15, please visit stores.assewebstore.com, asme.org/shop, or shop.csa.ca.

ASME helps the global engineering community develop solutions to real-world challenges. Founded in 1880 as the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME is a not-for-profit professional organization that enables collaboration, knowledge sharing and skill development across all engineering disciplines, while promoting the vital role of the engineer in society. ASME codes and standards, publications, conferences, continuing education and professional development programs provide a foundation for advancing technical knowledge and a safer world. Learn more about ASME at www.asme.org.

ASSE International is an ANSI-accredited standards developer and product certification body comprised of members representing all disciplines of the plumbing and mechanical industries. ASSE’s product performance standards, professional qualifications standards, professional certification and product listing programs aim to improve the performance and safety of plumbing and mechanical systems. Learn more about ASSE International at www.asse-plumbing.org.

CSA Group is an independent, not-for-profit member-based association dedicated to advancing safety, sustainability and social good. CSA is an internationally accredited standards development and testing and certification organization. The association’s broad range of knowledge and expertise includes: industrial equipment, plumbing and construction, electro-medical and health care, appliances and gas, alternative energy, lighting and sustainability. The CSA mark appears on billions of products around the world. Learn more about CSA Group at www.csagroup.ca.

Last modified: February 10, 2015
