As we move into 2025, it’s an excellent time to reflect on the progress IAPMO has made, the leadership we’ve built, and the significant strides we’re taking on the global stage. The new year started a bit early as November marked a key milestone, with the first meeting of our new Board of Directors, which served as an affirmation of the strength and potential of the leadership team our members have entrusted with guiding IAPMO.
Among the highlights was the introduction of the two newest Board members: Eric Gilbreath and Brad Elliott. This was my first opportunity to sit down with both of them, and I must say, I was immediately impressed. Both are deeply knowledgeable, highly engaged, and bring an eagerness to contribute that is inspiring. Their positive energy and commitment will only strengthen an already exceptional board — one that has already done remarkable work in setting forward-thinking policies and goals.
The Board reviewed the association’s financials and confirmed IAPMO is in great shape. The organization finished 2024 strong, with a clear path ahead for continued success in 2025. We’re poised for another year of growth and impact. Our Board’s commitment to thoughtful oversight is a key driver behind this forward momentum.
At this meeting, the Board appointed new IAPMO committee members and bid farewell to three invaluable members of our committee leadership: JT Baca, Steve Nastruz, and Tim Collings (who remains chair of the Product Certification Committee). These individuals have given countless years of service — Baca served on the Uniform Mechanical Code Answers and Analysis Committee for 11 years as well as stints on several other committees, Nastruz was a mainstay on the Uniform Plumbing Code Workshop Committee for 22 years, and Collings spent 17 years contributing to our Education and Training efforts. Their dedication has left a lasting mark on IAPMO, and we owe them our heartfelt thanks for their years of service and wisdom.
Meanwhile, at IAPMO’s World Headquarters, we are also undergoing exciting transformations. The remodeling of our West building is now underway. This expansion will not only accommodate our growing administrative support departments but will also now house Product Certification, Continuous Compliance, and SCB. This restructuring will allow our East building to be dedicated entirely to product testing. This shift isn’t just about more space; it’s a strategic move to keep up with the increasing demand for our services while positioning us for dramatic growth in the future.
IAPMO’s influence continues to expand internationally, as well. During a recent trip to Australia, I had the privilege of participating in the groundbreaking ceremony for our new laboratory in Narre Warren. This new lab, located next to our existing office, is a response to the growing need for energy-efficient technologies and evolving product standards. With this new facility, we are not just increasing our testing capacity; we are actively contributing to Australia’s transition to alternative energy solutions while helping manufacturers bring innovative technologies to market. A couple weeks prior to my visit, United Association General President Mark McManus led a group of UA delegates on a tour of the site where the new lab will be situated, emphasizing what a big deal it represents to our global industry.
Perhaps most exciting is what it means for our continuing collaboration with PICAC, one of the world’s leaders in training professionals in the piping trades. Our new lab co-locating with PICAC’s state-of-the-art training facility creates a unique synergy between product testing, certification, and training. This collaboration represents a groundbreaking step toward a holistic approach to plumbing and product standards. There is no other facility like it in the world, where technology, research, and training come together to ensure the safe installation and maintenance of the products and systems that impact every community.
Further underscoring our global growth is our new expanded laboratory in Guangzhou, China. This facility, which is more than double the size of our previous location, will significantly enhance our testing capabilities. We’re expanding our testing services to include more product categories and addressing the demand for global certification programs like WRAS (UK), NOM (Mexico), and Watermark (Australia). The reception to our new WRAS program has been enthusiastic, and our expanded lab will allow us to continue supporting the industry with cutting-edge testing and certification.
Looking ahead, we are preparing for key events in March — the monthlong celebration of March4Water, World Plumbing Day on March 11, and World Water Day on March 22. This year’s World Plumbing Day theme, “Plumbing is More,” highlights the critical importance of plumbing in our daily lives and its broader implications for building prosperity, resiliency, and healthier communities — more impact, more possibilities, more resiliency, more problem solving, more innovation, and more equity. World Plumbing Day provides us with an unparalleled opportunity to connect with professionals in the industry, raise awareness about the importance of plumbing, and inspire the next generation of plumbers.
The World Plumbing Council will also hold a member meeting in March and as chair I am particularly excited about our plans to update two of our flagship publications, Health Aspects of Plumbing and Environmental Aspects of Plumbing, in furtherance of our working relationship with the World Health Organization. We will also develop plans to further engage with Plumbing Champions and IWSH, shining a light on the next generation of plumbers by showcasing their skills and the importance of the skilled trades in high-profile settings. This focus on youth is central to our mission of promoting a diverse, inclusive, and dynamic future for the plumbing profession.
As we enter the new year, I strongly encourage all IAPMO members to consider joining the World Plumbing Council. The WPC is the only global organization that unites all stakeholders in the plumbing industry, from manufacturers to engineers, installers to inspectors. Our community is diverse — across industries, genders, ages, and continents — and that diversity strengthens our collective voice. Plumbing is a universal language because everybody needs it, and the work we do has a profound impact on every aspect of modern life. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just beginning your journey in plumbing, the World Plumbing Council offers an invaluable platform to connect, collaborate, and make a meaningful difference.
Here’s to an exciting year ahead, filled with new opportunities, growth, and continued progress for IAPMO, the plumbing industry, and the communities we serve.

Dave Viola
Dave Viola is the CEO of The IAPMO Group, a global non-profit membership-based organization focused on the development of codes that govern plumbing quality standards. He has more than 25 years of senior management experience within the plumbing and mechanical industry. He joined IAPMO in 2007 and, served as IAPMO’s chief operating officer with strategic and operational responsibility for the comprehensive array of IAPMO Group programs and services. Dave also serves as Deputy Chairman of the World Plumbing Council. Dave previously worked as Technical Director for the Plumbing Manufacturers Institute (PMI) from 1998 until 2007. He serves or has served on many industry committees and boards in the United States and Canada, including AWE, ASME, ANSI and ASHRAE.
Last modified: February 5, 2025