After a forced cancellation in 2021, the AHR Expo is back in action January 31 – February 2, 2022, poised to host the industry’s first major in-person gathering following COVID-19 shutdowns
The AHR Expo (International Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigerating Exposition) will return to Las Vegas Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, 2022, after a forced cancellation in 2021 planned for Chicago. The highly anticipated 2022 Show will be the industry’s first major in-person gathering following pandemic shutdowns. Registration is free and attendees are encouraged to register early on Show management is elated to sound the horn, “We’re back!”
“We are honored to welcome the HVACR community back for the first large-scale, in-person industry event,” said Mark Stevens, manager of AHR Expo. “It’s been a long road and we are ready to reignite the momentum that comes from collaborating at a live event. We understand the disappointment in last year’s forced cancellation and we are thrilled to once again host the Show that our industry partners value so much.”
This year AHR Expo will welcome both new and longtime attendees to a Show the industry has anticipated for nearly two years.
“We’re encouraged by the growing energy we are seeing in our metrics. Show Hotels in particular are exciting to watch as rooms fill up for Vegas faster than usual by this time of year,” continued Stevens.
“The Orlando Show delivered so much energy for the future of HVACR and just a few weeks following we watched as the world paused. HVACR became a hot topic overnight given the correlation between indoor environments and health. For us in the industry, this is something we have been more deeply discussing in recent years, but when the pandemic fully emerged and mitigation strategy discussions began it was all eyes on HVAC.”
All eyes on HVACR
Since the onset of the pandemic HVACR professionals have remained on the front lines as a critical factor in the fight to contain COVID-19. In recent years the Show has featured manufacturers and educators who speak on the importance of well-managed indoor environments as a key component in community health.
“The pandemic in some ways has pushed us ahead in terms of global acceptance of just how vital this industry is to the world,” said Stevens. “Every country, industry, and news outlet is talking about HVACR. AHR Expo has served as a meeting place to dig down deep and share new ideas and innovation for nearly a century, but perhaps now more than ever this kind of face-to face connection and business collaboration is critical.”
Prior to COVID-19, HVAC was already experiencing a boom driven by increasing customer demand to interact with the built environment, as well as a push for energy efficiency, sustainability, IoT and other technology innovations. As discussions such as job force recruitment efforts and new and sustainable ways to bring comfort heating and cooling across the globe continue, professionals are now also faced with new considerations for HVACR’s potential to support mitigation. The industry is in high demand on all fronts, with many roles to fill.
“Hiring across the industry is all over the place right now. We were in a recruitment crisis before the pandemic, now we are struggling to keep up with the demand,” said Mike Mayberry (@hvac_refer_guy), who has worked in the industry for more than 35 years. “We have new considerations to think of too in terms of supply issues, new regulations and residential and commercial upgrades due to the pandemic on top of our typical workload. The industry is at an exciting crossroads and conversations that solve problems need to happen.”
Being in the room with the opportunity to engage and participate in the conversation is just one of the unique aspects that make the AHR Expo so vital to the industry. Each year all sectors of the industry gather to share ideas, challenges and personal perspectives—all things that maintain growth momentum.
Be part of the conversation
With more attention on a global scale, industry professionals are ready to tackle the challenge with new and inventive products and technologies that quite literally change the world and the way we live in it.
“HVAC is the new “sexy” with our new normal under COVID-19. It can be the holy grail in reducing the airborne risk of transmission through the air. As industry professionals, we are charged to safeguard our built environment,” said Luke Leung, PE, ASHRAE Fellow, LEED Fellow, BEMP, PEng and AHR Expo Expert Council member. “The pandemic has put us on the global stage to showcase the importance of what we do.”
With the world watching so closely, events like the AHR Expo offer unparalleled value and collaboration that allow professionals to reconnect with peers and form lasting business relationships.
“We take the responsibility of our role in this industry very seriously,” continued Stevens. “Our exhibitors are showcasing the future and it never ceases to amaze. Already we are seeing incredible innovations come through the Innovation Awards program submissions; 2022 is sure to be one for the books.”

Vegas Means Business
The 2022 Show will welcome back more than 500,000 square feet of exhibitor space across the North and Central halls and a one-stop opportunity to check in with manufacturers on their latest offerings. This year will also offer a robust education program with trend discussions, technical sessions and everything new in the industry for professionals to stay up-to-date on the latest practices. The Show will once again host industry podcasts following a successful launch in Orlando.
“I was disappointed that the Show didn’t happen in 2021,” said Ben Poole of HVAC Tactical.
“For me, it’s more than just being able to nerd out on all things HVAC for a few days while checking out all the new innovative products that are about to change the game. It’s about the networking and the relationships that make a trip to AHR Expo worth it every single year. You don’t match that anywhere else in the industry. I’m pumped to see what Vegas has in store.”
AHR Expo is working in conjunction with the Las Vegas Convention Center (LVCC) to maintain safety as the highest priority for attendees. This year’s Show will follow many large-scale events from other industries that have successfully welcomed guests back to Vegas. Stay up-to-date on all Show updates by signing up to receive the AHR Expo newsletter or receive text updates.
“The forced cancellation in 2021 was devastating. The industry has come to recognize the Show as the main event to kick off the year ahead and the responsibility that comes with that is tremendous and exciting. We are so happy to plan alongside industry enthusiasm and pick up where we left off; we are ready and we’ll meet you in Vegas,” concluded Stevens.
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The AHR Expo is the world’s premier HVACR event, attracting the most comprehensive gathering of industry professionals from around the globe each year. The Show provides a unique forum where manufacturers of all sizes and specialties, whether a major industry brand or innovative start-up, can come together to share ideas and showcase the future of HVACR technology under one roof. Since 1930, the AHR Expo has remained the industry’s best place for OEMs, engineers, contractors, facility operators, architects, educators and other industry professionals to explore the latest trends and applications and to cultivate mutually beneficial business relationships. The next Show, co-sponsored by ASHRAE and AHRI, will be held Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, 2022, in Las Vegas, and is held concurrently with ASHRAE’s Winter Conference.
Last modified: July 27, 2023