IAPMO Unveils Redesigned Learning Center Website
In order to create an even better user experience for students, the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials...
ASPE, AWE, IAPMO, PMI, and WPC to Present Sixth Emerging Water Technology Symposium in Ontario, Calif.
Against the backdrop of a new U.S. federal government that will no doubt impact the future of the plumbing and water efficiency industries,...
Public Comment Monograph Toward Development of 2017 WE•Stand Now Available for Online Download
The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO®), publisher of the Water Efficiency and Sanitation Standard...
IAPMO, PT IAPMO Group Indonesia Hold Fourth Annual Education Conference
Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia – More than 150 people on Thursday attended the fourth- annual IAPMO Indonesia Education Conference, an event...