Written by IAPMO 1:38 pm ASSE

Working Groups Forming to Develop Two Water Systems Standards

ASSE International is forming working groups for the development of two product standards for water systems: ASSE 1086, Reverse Osmosis Water Efficiency Standard, and ASSE 1087, Performance Requirements for Small Systems, Commercial and Food Service Water Treatment. The first working group meetings will be held late June via web conference.

ASSE 1086, Reverse Osmosis Water Efficiency Standard, will establish testing, design, and installation criteria to improve water efficiency of residential reverse osmosis (RO) water treatment systems, and will set pass/fail criteria for minimum water efficiency of RO systems.

“Reverse Osmosis is an excellent technology for reducing contaminants in drinking water. However, this technology requires the use of water during the treatment process,” said Tom Palkon, IAPMO R&T Senior Vice President – Water Systems. “Adding efficiency requirements to product design criteria will reduce the water used during the treatment process.”

ASSE 1087, Performance Requirements for Small Systems, Commercial and Food Service Water Treatment, will cover point-of-use and point-of-entry products, commercial products, and food service products designed to improve the water quality of drinking water and process water for small municipal systems and commercial water treatment systems.

“At this time, commercial water treatment standards do not exist for water treatment equipment,” Palkon said. “After ASSE International and this working group complete ASSE Standard 1087, the plumbing and building industries will have a single product standard that covers water treatment product material safety, performance, structural integrity, backflow protection, cross-connection control, proper installation, and proper maintenance of equipment.”

Industry stakeholders — including manufacturers, regulators, water conservationist, laboratories, and members of the plumbing and public health communities — are invited to participate. To apply for a position on one of these working groups, you must submit a completed application and résumé to ASSE International Staff Engineering Supervisor Conrad Jahrling by e-mail at conrad.jahrling@asse-plumbing.org.

Last modified: June 10, 2016
