I recently attended a hearing, during which there were some discussions regarding the IAPMO R&T classified listing. It appeared that many people did not have a
complete understanding of such a listing. Therefore, I felt there is a need to better describe these listings.
What is classified listing? At IAPMO R&T, classified listing means the listing of products meeting the requirements of applicable standards, which are not specifically designated as recognized products in the Uniform Codes. Such products are in compliance with national standards and go through the same level of scrutiny as other listed products.
The listing process for the classified listed products is virtually the same as that of the regular listings. Such products are tested to the applicable standards by an IAPMO R&T recognized laboratory. The test reports resulting from that testing, along with drawings and other supporting information, are reviewed by IAPMO R&T engineers to determine conformance of such products to the applicable standards. The plants where such products are manufactured are inspected in accordance with IAPMO R&T internal procedures. These products are then evaluated by the IAPMO R&T Product Research Committee to assure compliance. Following the granting of classified listings, the products and the plant that produced them are examined at least once annually by IAPMO R&T listing compliance inspectors to assure continuous compliance.
Since the classified listed products are not specifically designated as recognized products in tile Uniform Codes, the mark of conformity permitted to be used on products is different. The classified mark of conformity is shownabove.
At this point, I will outline some of the products that have been listed under the IAPMO R&T classified program:
1. Waterless urinal: These products have a classified listing to ANSI Z124.9 as well as to an Interim Guide Criteria.
2. Air admittance valves: These products have a classified listing to ASSE 1050 and/or ASSE
3. Corrugated Stainless Steel Tubing: products have a classified listing to ANSI LC-1.
The classified listing can also be used to certify products to the national standards in other parts of the world. The mark proves compliance to such standards and will give the local administrative authorities the assurance that such products have complied and continue to comply with the requirements of the applicable standards. Look for the following marks of conformity approving products for installation:

Ohannes Dembekjian
Last modified: January 4, 2023