In my last column I introduced myself to you and we discussed the importance of becoming an IAPMO member. In this issue, I want to discuss leadership and the importance of getting involved.
Leadership is not “One size or style fits all.” Every effective leader has varying degrees of experience and perspective. There are countless leaders who are giants in their industry, and each leader has their own “style” of leading. But at the end of the day, what really matters is whether or not they are getting the job done. Leadership is a mix of a lot of things, but first and foremost it’s about having faith in your beliefs. You can’t expect others to consider you a leader unless you have solid faith in your own ideas.
I believe a leader is a good communicator, someone who puts their best forward and does not give up. Leadership is about being passionate about what you do, setting a good example for others to follow, and being a good listener. Leadership is about having confidence in yourself and in those you must motivate.
I want to motivate our newest members as well as our “veterans” to get involved; to become leaders who will carry us forward. Our industry is based on strong leadership, strong worth ethic, good communication skills, people who think outside the box and those who just want to make a difference.
IAPMO has been in existence for almost 100 years! During that time, we have experienced tremendous growth, tremendous leadership and tremendous decision making. I have been an IAPMO employee myself for more than 28 years. I have spoken with many of you over the phone or we have exchanged emails. I have a “front-row seat” of the leadership that has made IAPMO an industry leader.
Now I want to backtrack a little bit. When I took over the Membership department, I made two promises to myself and to the organization. First, I want to grow the membership; secondly, I want to encourage everyone to get involved — starting at the chapter level. I want to help the chapter officers grow their local chapters. If you are an apprentice or journeyman, we have the tools to help you grow your career. If you do not have a local chapter, please contact me and we will help you start a chapter.
Once you become an IAPMO member you are now eligible to become an IAPMO committee member. Every year we hold a business and education conference to help our members develop relationships, gain educational knowledge and units, vote on new or existing codes, explore new technology and to vote on new board members. Becoming an IAPMO member is so very important to our organization because you are the eyes and ears of our profession. Committee members help us write new code, change existing code, and identify or clarify technical issues, product safety testing, etc.
I am reaching out to every IAPMO member. I need your assistance; please help us recruit the next generation of industry leaders.
Please get involved with your local chapter, please consider becoming a committee member. Please share your years of experience so that the next generation will carry on the legacy that you have started.
Speaking of legacies, I do have some sad news to share. Our past president, Chris Salazar, recently lost his father, Manny Salazar. As many of you know, I have great passion for our veterans who served. Manny was an Army veteran and served in the Korean War, unconditionally. We thank him for his leadership. Manny was a member for 37 years and enjoyed a long career as a senior building inspector for the cities of Ventura and Thousand Oaks, California. We thank Manny, for his dedication to our industry, and would like to extend our condolences to the Salazar family during this difficult time.

Tricia Megee
Last modified: July 6, 2022