New Deadline for Nominations: May 24, 2022, 5:00 pm ET
They have extended their deadline for US Water Prize nominations! The US Water Prize for Outstanding One Water Communication honors an individual, or a team of individuals, who have demonstrated exemplary reporting or communication that spotlights One Water challenges and solutions.
Individuals eligible to be nominated include journalists and producers from newspapers, television and radio stations, magazines and digital publications, authors, podcast hosts, and other communicators. Self-nominations are encouraged, and teams of communicators who collaborated on their work can be nominated together. The Alliance will consider work from previous years if it influenced water issues, coverage, or legislation in the past year. For more information about the One Water movement, see the Alliance’s foundational One Water Roadmap.
If you or one of your colleagues has produced work that deserves this recognition, please fill out the Outstanding One Water Communication nomination form! The nomination form will ask you to respond to the following:
- What audience was reached through this work (local, regional, or national)?
- How did the audience respond to this work?
- How did the work provide a greater understanding of One Water strategies, challenges, or opportunities?
- How did the work influence change or result in positive impacts on a water-related issue?
The nomination form also requests that you submit at least two, but no more than five, examples of the nominee’s work, which can be sent as PDF files to
Winners of the US Water Prize 2022 will be announced and recognized during the Alliance’s One Water Summit, held September 13 – 15 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Nominations are now due May 24, and winners will be chosen by an independent review panel of water experts.
If you have any questions about the award categories or the nomination process, please reach out to

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Last modified: December 30, 2022