Fox is a Day One Appointee in the Biden-Harris Administration
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the selection of US Water Alliance CEO Radhika Fox as the Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator for the Office of Water. Radhika is a Day One Presidential Appointee in the Biden-Harris Administration. She will serve as the Acting Assistant Administrator for Water.
Mami Hara, Chair of the Board of Directors for the US Water Alliance, said: “The Board of Directors and staff at the US Water Alliance applaud President Biden for selecting Radhika for this important role at the EPA. Radhika has been a visionary leader at the US Water Alliance for the last five years, and she is the right leader to guide our nation’s water program at this uniquely volatile and critical time. Radhika brings a deep commitment to equity and inclusion in all that she does. She is also an expert consensus builder on complex environmental issues. We are excited for her to take on this even bigger and broader role in the water sector.”
Radhika Fox said: “It is an incredible honor and privilege to be selected by President Biden to serve our country. I am proud to join the EPA team of dedicated career professionals who have a long-standing commitment to protect public health and the environment. Water policy and investments can be a force for addressing the four compounding crises facing our nation—the global pandemic, economic recovery, racial equity, and the climate crisis. I stand ready to support this administration as we Build Back Better for every American.”
“The US Water Alliance is in great hands with a talented team of water professionals and top-notch board of directors. I am so proud of what we have done together to advance the One Water movement. With our dynamic member network, the US Water Alliance has forged positive change on critical issues facing the water sector—COVID-19 response and recovery, the value of water, infrastructure investment, integrated water management, equity, climate change, and so much more. The US Water Alliance is poised for growth and will only increase its impact in the water sector in the coming years,” Fox concluded.
The Alliance Board of Directors will commence a national search for a new CEO. During the transition period, the organization will be led by the active engagement of a committed Board of Directors and talented staff.
About the EPA’s Office of Water
The EPA’s Office of Water ensures drinking water is safe, and restores and maintains oceans, watersheds, and their aquatic ecosystems to protect human health, support economic and recreational activities, and provide healthy habitat for fish, plants and wildlife. The Office of Water is responsible for implementing key environmental regulations including the Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act. The Office of Water administers key water infrastructure programs including the State Revolving Funds and the Water Infrastructure and Innovation Financing Act. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., the Office of Water works with the ten EPA regional offices, other federal agencies, state and local governments, American Indian tribes, the regulated community, organized professional and interest groups, land owners and managers, and the public-at-large.
About US Water Alliance
US Water Alliance advances policies and programs to secure a sustainable water future for all. Established in 2008, the Alliance is a nationally recognized nonprofit organization that educates the nation on the true value of water, accelerates the adoption of One Water policies and programs, and celebrates innovation in water management. The Alliance brings together diverse interests to identify and advance common-ground, achievable solutions to our nation’s most pressing water challenges. Our membership includes water providers, public officials, business leaders, environmental organizations, community leaders, policy organizations, and more. Follow the US Water Alliance on Twitter and on LinkedIn.

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Last modified: December 30, 2022