May 11

From the 2021 UPC Illustrated Training Manual, Chapter 4, PLUMBING FIXTURES AND FIXTURE FITTINGS
402.4 Wall-Hung Fixtures. Wall-hung fixtures shall be rigidly supported by metal supporting members so that no strain is transmitted to the connections. Floor-affixed supports for off-the-floor plumbing fixtures for public use shall comply with ASME A112.6.1M. Framing-affixed supports for off-the floor water closets with concealed tanks shall comply with ASME A112.6.2. Flush tanks and similar appurtenances shall be secured by approved non-corrosive screws or bolts.
Wall-hung water closet installation requirements are contained in Section 402.6 stating that they are to be connected to an approved carrier. This section refers to other fixtures that are wall mounted, such as lavatories, sinks or urinals. All must be supported by the proper mounting device, whether it is by mounting plates, brackets, or arms and not the drainage connection as in Figures 402.4a. For framing affixed supports with concealed tank see Figure 402.4b.

The 2021 Uniform Plumbing Code Illustrated Training Manual is available for purchase here.
(This is not to be considered the official position of IAPMO, nor is it an official interpretation of the Codes.)
Last modified: May 11, 2023