The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released Version 2.0 of its Specification for Tank-Type Toilets to earn the WaterSense® label. These toilets have been eligible to earn the WaterSense label since the release of the WaterSense Specification for Tank-Type Toilets in 2007. However, EPA has modified the water efficiency criteria for dual-flush toilets by eliminating the effective flush volume calculation. In response to concerns that consumers may not always understand which flush uses less water, EPA is establishing the same maximum flush volume requirement—1.28 gallons per flush—for both single-flush toilets and the full-flush mode of dual-flush toilets. EPA made this revision to ensure consumers will realize water savings by purchasing a WaterSense labeled dual-flush toilet regardless of user behavior. In addition to the dual-flush criteria update, Version 2.0 of the WaterSense Specification for Tank-Type Toilets includes minor revisions for clarity and consistency with other WaterSense specifications.
The revisions included in Version 2.0 of the WaterSense Specification for Tank-Type Toilets affect the certification status of WaterSense labeled dual-flush toilets with a full-flush volume greater than 1.28 gallons per flush. Manufacturers that maintain certification listings of dual-flush toilets should review the revised specification and supporting materials to determine if their dual-flush toilet models will remain in compliance when Version 2.0 of the specification takes effect on July 1, 2025. More information about the timeline for transition to Version 2.0 of the specification is included on the WaterSense website.
For any questions regarding the WaterSense Specification for Tank-Type Toilets Version 2.0 or the WaterSense program in general, please contact the WaterSense Helpline at (866) WTR-SENS (987-7367) or e-mail

US EPA WaterSense
WaterSense, a voluntary partnership program sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), is both a label for water-efficient products and a resource for helping you save water.
The WaterSense label makes it simple to find water-efficient products, new homes, and programs that meet EPA’s criteria for efficiency and performance. WaterSense-labeled products and services are certified to use at least 20 percent less water, save energy, and perform as well as or better than regular models.
WaterSense partners with manufacturers, retailers and distributors, homebuilders, irrigation professionals, and utilities to bring WaterSense to your community. Our partnerships encourage innovation in manufacturing and support sustainable jobs for American workers.
Last modified: June 12, 2024