When did you first get involved with an IAPMO committee and why?
I have been a member of IAPMO for six years. I decided to get involved when my senior inspector at the time, Tim Collings, who has made many contributions to the plumbing and mechanical industry through IAPMO, suggested that it was a great place to advance my knowledge, and be involved in the plumbing community.
What does the Education and Training committee do?
The committee meets several times a year to develop and improve resources to help the plumbing and mechanical industries.
How does your particular expertise lend itself to your committee’s work?
As a combination senior inspector for a large municipality, I can bring a city perspective and how plumbing fits into it. I also bring knowledge from a wide range of projects I am involved in, including residential, commercial, industrial, and historic.
Have there been any unexpectedly pleasant benefits of participating on an IAPMO committee?
One of the greatest benefits I have enjoyed while being involved on an IAPMO committee is the business relationships and networking I have established. It has been beneficial to be able to reach out to other jurisdictions for issues in my municipality that they have experienced, and vice versa.
Moving forward, which topic(s) do you see as being the most important your committee will tackle?
I believe moving forward the most important focus for the Education and Training Committee is to continue to stay on top of the constant changes and evolution of technology within our industry.
What would you say to someone thinking about serving on a committee?
I would highly encourage anybody to join as it is a great opportunity to grow your personal knowledge and skill and to give back to the plumbing and mechanical industry.

Mike Flenniken
Mike Flenniken is a staff writer, Marketing and Communications, for IAPMO. Prior to joining IAPMO in 2010, Flenniken worked in public relations for a group of Southern California hospitals and as a journalist in writing and editing capacities for various Southern California daily newspapers.
Last modified: May 8, 2024