ISH China & CIHE – China’s leading international trade fair for Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning, Sanitation & Home Comfort Systems 2023 will be held from 11 – 13 May at the China International Exhibition Center (Shunyi Hall) in Beijing, introducing the latest HVAC industry developments, advanced products and solutions to the China and Asia markets.
As the premier annual HVAC event in China, ISH China & CIHE 2023 has been the prime platform to showcase a wide array of HVAC innovations and solutions, in line with current government policies. Focusing on the three major themes: “Energy”, “Water” and “Life”, the fair will feature the full spectrum products and solutions of the HVAC industry including plumbing, smart heating, home comfort and more, to enhance the sustainable development of the industry. To achieve this, the 2023 show will gather 1,065 exhibitors and occupy 105,000 sqm exhibition space.
Introducing advanced overseas HVAC technologies into China, this year the show will feature the debut of the Canadian Pavilion, jointly organised with the Embassy of Canada to China. Visitors can experience the latest HVAC technologies from leading Canadian HVAC brands including Armstrong, Conserval, Delta Controls, Hi-Velocity, Orkan, SRP and STELPRO in Hall E1.
In Hall E2, the highly-praised German Pavilion, supported by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), returns with an area of 860 sqm, gathering renowned German brands including Aquatherm, Bamova, Ecom, Hedda, Huch, Jürgen Schlosser, Lamtec, Lucht, Möhlenhoff, Neoperl, Novopress, Thermoplus and more.
Meanwhile, this year the Overseas Area has expanded to 1,366 sqm, located at Hall E1 and W2. Leading international brands including AYVAZ, Broen, CALEFFI, EMS, Heatmiser, KMC, Nuova Imas, Polidoro, Sermeta, Vernet, Vexve, Zero and more will present their latest offerings.
Furthermore, the steady development of clean heating, urban and regional central clean heating transformation through the diversification of heat sources, application of renewable energy and energy saving technologies is drawing much attention and helping to grow the economy. As one of the highlights of the fair, the Clean Energy District Heating Area introduces innovative heating technologies, efficient use of clean energy as well as smart heating management and control. This year the Clean Energy District Heating Area in Hall W3 will host big names such as ALVES, Desource, Diehl, GMSDIP, Gongda Keya, Green Energy Allianc, HDCHIP, Heighten, Huameng, Huizhong, HYTC, JHRJ, Jumo, Kingfore, Lcabo, Nanjing Jiangu, Nuanliu, Ploumeter, POER, Precise, Revoheat, RUNA, Shuanghe, Shuoren Times, THT, TigerIOT, TOKYO, TSCC, Wukexing, Xingbang, Xinxing Pipes, Younai and more.
Driven by infrastructure projects in the country and aided by favourable government policies, China has become one of the largest water pump markets in the world. The Water Pump Zone in Hall W1, expanded to 2,768 sqm this year, is another highlight of the exhibition. Exhibitors including DAB, DAFU, Dengfeng, Dooch, Goodppump, Grundfos, HOMA, Hydroo, Kaiquan, Leo, Lingxiao, Minamoto, NSP, Nanyuan, Pentax, RHEKEN, SAJ, SFA, TQ Group, Wesone, WILO, WDDM, XRL and more will showcase high quality and customisable water pump products for various distribution systems and end-users.
Other leading international and domestic brands attending the fair include: AMA&HIEN, Amnesty, BDR, Beigao, Bingchong, Danfoss, Devotion, Electrolux, GMICÖU, GREE, Haier, Hnbwrn, Huamei, Inovisen, Kaaniche, Kenuo, Kiturami, Mayair, MICOE, Midea, Naturaquell, Nedfon, New Energy, Nobana, NORITZ, Outes, PHILIPS, PHNIX, POWERWORLD, Resideo, Rinnai, RUNA, Shengxu, Shiteng, Shungliang, Siemens, Snowman, Squirrel, St Lawrence, Suming, Tasan, Tongfang, Tongli, Unbeatable, Vanward, Walker, Xinhuaxing, YUQ and more.
Insightful concurrent events to address HVAC hot topics
As the landmark event of the HVAC industry, ISH China & CIHE offers more than just the latest products, technologies and solutions on the market. The high-quality fringe programme that takes place concurrently provides invaluable insight and explores the newest frontiers in HVAC technology. Over 40 conferences and seminars will gather industry experts and academics to discuss current topical issues such as urban energy, energy storage and low carbon development, to enhance knowledge exchange and generate business opportunities.
The China International HVAC Congress (iHVAC) is an iconic part of the fair’s concurrent programme. The main forum “International Summit of Future Development Trends for Urban Energy and New Energy Storage Technology” will be held on 11 May, with session topics including:
- Exploring a carbon-neutral model of urban energy with electricity, heat and gas in China
- Exploring the prospects for the development of China’s geothermal energy industry
- Energy Storage and Energy Transition in the Carbon Peak
- Zero-carbon inter-seasonal thermal storage technology under the goals of carbon peak and carbon neutrality
Additional iHVAC forums include “Low-carbon Healthy Habitat Technology International Exchange Forum”, “‘Heat Pump Contributes the Low-Carbon Development’ Technical Forum”, “Focusing ‘Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutral’, Boiler Energy Efficient and Environmental Protection Technology Forum ” and “China Heating 2023 Annual Launch of Frontier Technology and New Product”. The fair will also present the debut “The 1st Design Institute Chief Engineers Technical Forum in ISH China & CIHE 2023”, “The 2nd (2023) Top 100 Home Comfort Integrators Club Meeting in ISH China & CIHE 2023” and “Floor Heating Industry Innovative Development Conference” to unveil key topics in the sector.
ISH Shanghai & CIHE is another ISH event in China. For more information about ISH China & CIHE and ISH Shanghai & CIHE, please visit our website or email.
ISH China & CIHE is organized by Messe Frankfurt (Shanghai) Co Ltd and CIEC GL events (Beijing) International Exhibition Co Ltd. It is headed by the biennial ISH event in Frankfurt, Germany, the world’s leading trade fair for HVAC + Water which will next take place from 17 – 21 March 2025. For more information, please visit

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Last modified: May 8, 2023