Written by IAPMO 3:41 pm Product Testing & Certification

IAPMO’s Uniform Evaluation Service Enters Cooperative Agreement with Southwest Research Institute

IAPMO’s Uniform Evaluation Service (UES) has entered into a cooperative agreement with San Antonio, Texas-based Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) for the development and maintenance of evaluation reports with SwRI performing the corresponding audits/inspections. As a result of the agreement, SwRI inspection clients may choose to have their products recognized in the form of a Uniform Evaluation Report.

“IAPMO’s Uniform Evaluation Service is a great fit for SwRI. UES provides our clients the opportunity to have their products recognized in an evaluation report while still maintaining existing inspection and testing relationships,” said SwRI’s Dr. Matthew Blais Director, Fire Technology Research Laboratory. “UES supplements their qualified staff with outside experts when prudent; they listen to their clients and deliver on their word. Perhaps the most impressive aspect is their understanding the value of our long term client relationships.”

SwRI is ISO 17020 accredited to perform in plant inspections on Fire Door Assemblies, Fire Windows and Fire Door Frames, Foam Plastic Insulation Products, Prefabricated Structural and Non-Structural Panels, Classified Roof Coverings and Assemblies, Interior Finish Materials, Fire-Resistive-rated Walls, Floors, and floor-ceiling and roof assemblies, manufacturing in these fields. Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), headquartered in San Antonio, Texas, is one of the oldest and largest independent, nonprofit, applied research and development (R&D) organizations in the United States. Founded in 1947, SwRI provides contract research and development services to industrial and government clients in the United States and abroad. The Institute is governed by a board of directors, which is advised by approximately 100 trustees.

“UES is extremely pleased to be partnering with SwRI. Other evaluation report organizations recently began insisting upon performing all audits/inspections themselves, while UES chooses to honor existing relationships. There are a great many capable and highly professional organizations performing this work and we are happy to be partnering with one of the best in SwRI,” said UES Director Richard Beck, PE, CBO, MCP.

Products recognized under UES have successfully undergone evaluation based on applicable requirements within the International Family of Codes, as well as codes published by other entities. UES staff thoroughly examines a product’s information, test reports, calculations, quality assurance, quality control methods, Production Processes/procedures and other factors to ensure the product is code compliant.

The UES program is built upon IAPMO’s more than 70 years of experience in evaluating products for code compliance. Accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), the program operates under ISO/IEC Guide 65, “General Requirements for Bodies Operating Product Certification Systems.”

IAPMO’s UES offers a full range of recognition opportunities, including recognition for the applicable national model codes, as well as Florida, California and various other state codes. The UES program increases the value to code officials of these reports by combining all of these recognitions in one concise report prepared by an internationally recognized product certification body.

For more information on IAPMO’s Uniform ES, direct your Web browser to www.Uniform-ES.org or contact Karen Snowden at (909) 472-4105 or karen.snowden@iapmoes.org.

IAPMO Uniform ES evaluates building products, materials and designs according to all applicable codes and standards, ensuring continuous compliance to such documents. IAPMO Uniform ES is part of The IAPMO Group.

Last modified: August 5, 2013
