The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) will hold its annual Technical Committee Meetings May 4-5 at the Hilton St. Louis at the Ballpark in St. Louis, Mo. The meetings are a key yearly event in the ANSI-accredited code development process for the Uniform Plumbing Code® (UPC) and Uniform Mechanical Code® (UMC).
The 2009 editions of the UPC and UMC will be released this Sunday, March 1, formally completing the previous three-year consensus development cycle. The meetings in St. Louis will kick off development of the 2012 editions of these codes.
The UPC Technical Committee Meeting will take place Monday, May 4. Topics for discussion will include:
• Determination on whether a Task Group should be formed to address harmonization of fuel gas provisions between the 2009 UPC (Chapters 5 and 12), 2009 UMC (Chapters 8 and 13) and other chapters that cover the same subject matter.
• Recommending Correlation Task Group to identify editorial and technical inconsistencies within the 2009 UPC.
• Recommending Correlation Standards Task Group to address issues on Table 14-1, such as updating standards, existing standards that have not been updated in years, correlating section numbers and applicable sections where none exist.
The UMC Technical Committee Meeting will take place Tuesday, May 5. Topics for discussion will include:
• Determination on whether a Task Group should be formed to address harmonization of fuel gas provisions between the 2009 UPC (Chapters 5 and 12), 2009 UMC (Chapters 8 and 13) and other chapters that cover the same subject matter.
• Recommending Correlation Task Group to relocate code sections and identify editorial and technical inconsistencies within the 2009 UMC.
• Recommending Ventilation Rate Task Group to modify Chapter 4.
• Recommending Standards Task Group to address issues on Table 17-1, such as updating standards, existing standards that have not been updated in years, correlating section numbers and applicable sections where none exist.
• Review of proposed Tentative Interim Amendments (TIA).
In accordance with the ANSI-accredited process, the TC Meetings are open to the public, affording anybody with a stake in the development of these codes the opportunity to bring forth new ideas and technological advances toward the betterment of the Uniform Codes. To find out more about the procedures necessary for participation at the TC Meetings and/or get help registering at the hotel, direct your Web browser here.
The Uniform Codes are designed to provide consumers with safe and sanitary plumbing and mechanical systems while, at the same time, allowing latitude for innovation and new technologies. The public at large is encouraged and invited to participate in IAPMO’s open consensus code development process. A code development timeline and other relevant information are available at IAPMO’s Website.
Sponsor of the Uniform Codes, IAPMO – The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials – works in concert with government and industry for safe, sanitary plumbing and mechanical systems. Learn more about IAPMO at

IAPMO develops and publishes the Uniform Plumbing Code®,the most widely recognized code of practice used by the plumbing industry worldwide; Uniform Mechanical Code®; Uniform Swimming Pool, Spa and Hot Tub Code®; and Uniform Solar Energy, Hydronics and Geothermal Code™ — the only plumbing, mechanical, solar energy and swimming pool codes designated by ANSI as American National Standards — and the Water Efficiency Standard (WE-Stand)™. IAPMO works with government, contractors, labor force, and manufacturers to produce product standards, technical manuals, personnel certification/educational programs and additional resources in order to meet the ever-evolving demands of the industry in protecting public health and safety.
Last modified: December 30, 2022