Written by IAPMO 2:19 pm Product Testing & Certification

IAPMO R&T Promotes Services at KBIS 2012

Chicago — IAPMO R&T, North America’s premier third party certification body for plumbing and mechanical products, last week attended the 2012 Kitchen and Bath Industry Show (KBIS) in Chicago, one of the largest trade events in the United States bringing together kitchen and bath dealers, designers, architects, remodelers, wholesalers and custom builders for residential and commercial kitchens and bathrooms.

IAPMO R&T representatives visited with exhibitors and manned a booth promoting IAPMO R&T’s comprehensive menu of product conformity assessment services, including UPC, c‐UPC and WaterSense® certification. The booth was busy with existing customers seeking information on their listed products, adding new products to their certificates, opening new files for their latest products and inquiring about updates to the UPC and other regulatory issues. Prospective clients, seeking to secure the marketing advantage and code compliance ensured by achieving third‐party product certification through IAPMO R&T, were also in abundance.

IAPMO R&T is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in the United States and the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) in Canada. This highest degree of integrity means IAPMO R&T’s certification marks of conformity are recognized throughout North America.

IAPMO R&T representatives attending the show were pleased with the response of manufacturers at their booth. Even in uncertain economic times, it was apparent that manufacturers and listees understand that IAPMO R&T’s marks of conformity carry a value that cannot be overstated. The UPC and c‐UPC marks of conformity are the most widely recognized marks in the industry.

KBIS 2013 will be held April 19‐21, 2013, at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans. For more information, direct your Web browser to KBIS.com.

For more information on having products listed, contact Brenda Madonna (brenda.madonna@iapmort.org) at (877) 4‐UPC‐MARK, or direct your Web browser to www.iapmort.org.

IAPMO R&T certifies and lists plumbing, mechanical, electrical and solar products according to established US and Canadian codes and standards, ensuring continuous compliance to such documents. IAPMO R&T is part of The IAPMO Group’s family of companies.

Last modified: May 4, 2012
