Written by IAPMO 12:02 pm Product Testing & Certification

IAPMO R&T Lab and IAPMO R&T Now Offer Testing and Certification for Faucets and Valves for the Mexican Market

IAPMO R&T Lab and IAPMO R&T, North America’s leading providers of testing, certification, and listing services for manufacturers of plumbing, mechanical, and solar products, now offer testing and certification to the NMX-C-415-ONNCCE-2015 standard (Building Industry – Valves and Water Taps – Specifications and Test Methods) for the Mexican market. This standard is applicable to valves used in hydraulic systems of potable water in domestic applications, public places, and faucets located in sanitary fixtures such as lavatories, kitchen sinks, laundry sinks, and built-in fixtures, manufactured either domestically or imported.

“Faucet and valve manufacturers can enjoy immediate benefits from this new service by having their products tested and certified through one agency to cover the entire North American market,” said Dave Viola, Chief Operations Officer for The IAPMO Group. “This makes expansion of their products to all three markets faster, simpler, and easier.”

Added Lee Mercer, Executive Vice President of Business Development for The IAPMO Group: “Adding this standard marks an important milestone for our Mexico testing and certification program. Our Mexico testing and certification program has grown tremendously since it was introduced in early 2014 and has helped many water closet, flushometer valve, showerhead, and fill and flush valve manufacturers get into the Mexican market faster.”

IAPMO R&T Lab and IAPMO R&T are accredited by entidad mexicana de acreditación, a.c. (ema) and approved by Comisión Nacional del Agua (CONAGUA), which is Mexico’s National Water Commission, a decentralized agency of the Ministry of Environmental and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT).

For more information on this new service, contact Brenda Madonna (brenda.madonna@iapmort.org) at (909) 472-4116, or visit www.iapmort.org.

IAPMO R&T Lab tests and IAPMO R&T certifies and lists plumbing, mechanical, electrical and solar products according to established U.S., Canadian and Mexican codes and standards, ensuring continuous compliance to such documents. IAPMO R&T is part of The IAPMO Group’s family of companies.

Last modified: January 13, 2016
