Written by IAPMO 2:15 pm IAPMO News

IAPMO Ready as the Go-to-Organization for National Certification of Construction Code Professionals

On Dec. 31, the six-year long agreement between the National Certification Programs for Construction Code Inspectors (NCPCCI) and the International Code Council (ICC) expires. This means that the ICC will no longer accept NCPCCI score reports for ICC Certification of code inspectors, plans examiners and code officials.

Upon expiration of the existing agreement, IAPMO will issue national certifications based on the NCPCCI examinations. To provide a national certification from a national model code organization, and thereby to support the thousands of individuals who hold NCPCCI examination score reports (and who continue to test with NCPCCI), IAPMO devoted the past year to preparing to certify NCPCCI test takers in all disciplines. IAPMO President Bob Siemsen expressed that “IAPMO is an advocate of all disciplines in the code administration profession and takes its responsibility seriously in offering personnel certification as a contributing partner in the NCPCCI. IAPMO is looking forward to issuing national personnel certification to code professionals in pursuit of their greatest career potential. These professionals do not need to be members of IAPMO to obtain their national certification.”

IAPMO was founded in California, in 1926, to write a uniform model code to protect the health of the people. With offices in eleven U. S. states and in seven countries, IAPMO is well known as a world leader. IAPMO is a founding member of the World Plumbing Council and a member of the World Health Organization, helping to bring efficient plumbing systems to developing nations. The world’s recognition of IAPMO will distinguish IAPMO Certified Code Professionals as the equal of any others in the code administration profession. The chart below will assist in determining the NCPCCI examination required for each IAPMO Certification.

Last modified: November 18, 2008
