IAPMO mourns the passing of former president Bob West, one of the most consequential stewards of the association’s 98-year history. The Houston native was 86.
A former National Guardsman and apprentice with Local 68 in Houston, West toiled in the trades for more than 40 years, notably with Keith Plumbing Company. A graduate of the UA’s Instructor Training Program when it was held at Purdue University, he served for years as an apprentice instructor, was president of the Texas State Association of Plumbing Inspectors and served on the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners.
In the early 1980s, he transitioned to work as a plumbing inspector, eventually rising to the post of chief plumbing inspector for the city of Houston.
It was during his turn as president of IAPMO, however, that West truly displayed his commitment to this organization and its mission to protect public health and safety.
West ascended to the office of IAPMO president in April 1995 under less-than-ideal circumstances. The association at that time was in poor health, both financially and politically, with a board of directors not in agreement about the severity of IAPMO’s troubles. The association was embroiled in legal wrangling and in desperate need of someone to grab the reins and put things back on course.
West stood up at a time when most people would have been content to just serve their time on the board and avoid controversy. Instead, he weathered criticism and forged ahead, with no assurance other than his own conviction that he was doing the right thing.

As president, West set a new tone and established clear parameters. He understood that there needed to be a clear distinction between the role of the Board and the role of staff. He believed it was the Board’s obligation to establish policy and it was the staff’s obligation to implement it. This is the foundation of IAPMO’s leadership today.
With enduring support from his late wife, Fran — an incredible presence in her own right — West restored confidence and unquestioned respect to the office of president.
West is survived by son Robert L. West Jr. and his wife, Cindy; daughter Lea Ann Hildebrandt and her husband, Anthony; son Charles E. West and his wife, Sonia; 12 grandchildren and 28 great-grandchildren; sisters Claudia Goodman and Janice Vaughn; sister-in-law Sherrell Cooper; and numerous nieces and nephews.
“I remember Bob West as being a well-respected inspector not only within Texas, but throughout the west. He had a commanding presence and a straightforward approach to politics. He — along with former president Gilbert Kissling — was vitally important to helping stabilize IAPMO’s Board of Directors at a time of significant uncertainty. I will always have fond memories of his support throughout the years and his passion for public health and safety. IAPMO has lost a great leader.”
— Former IAPMO CEO GP Russ Chaney
“I first met Bob in 1963 when I was a second-year apprentice working on a high rise apartment project. That was the beginning of friendship that lasted the rest of our lives. We worked together many times over the ensuring years, eventually as chief and assistance chief of Houston’s Plumbing Inspection Department. Bob was a good leader and ran a very tight ship. You always knew where you stood with Bob, as he told you how things were supposed to be.
“It was about this time that he began his association with IAPMO and the whole code development process, serving on committees. His unmatched commitment to this work led to him becoming president of IAPMO, a job he loved and cherished.
“After we retired, we started what we called ‘the old farts club,’ a group of former city of Houston guys who would meet for breakfast once a month to talk about old times and how we could solve all the world’s problems. What a great bunch of guys.
“Bob was a good family man, raised two good plumbers and a beautiful daughter. He was dedicated to our industry, and we are all better for what he did for it. We will miss him.”
— Retired city of Houston Chief Plumbing Inspector John Roth
“I had the utmost respect and admiration for Mr. West. He was someone who said what he meant and meant what he said. I always valued his advice and instruction.”
— City of Houston Division
Manager of Plumbing Inspections Carlos Flores
“I first met Bob in the early 1980s when I enrolled in a plumbing code class he was teaching, but it wasn’t until 1992, when I went to work for the city of Houston, that I really got to know Bob and we became good friends. Bob was a stern boss, but a fair person. During working hours, it was all business, but away from work Bob was fun to be with and enjoyed having conversations.
“When Bob received the George Kauffman Lifetime Achievement Award, I learned more about why he was being recognized for this honor. I now think back on working with him at the city and realize the similarities between his award recognition and how he ran our department, always striving and pushing us to be the best section at the city. He earned the highest respect from all the other department heads. Bob was a born leader and good person. He will truly be missed.”
— Retired city of Houston Chief Plumbing Inspector Alfred Ortega
“When I joined IAPMO in 1995, Bob was president. It was a difficult time for our organization but his leadership and integrity helped guide us and set us on the right path. Bob was an incredibly kind, professional, and thoughtful leader. I was thrilled when our board selected him to receive the George Kauffman Lifetime Achievement Award a few years ago because it gave me an opportunity to see him again and to thank him, many years later, for helping set a solid foundation for IAPMO’s growth.”
– Gaby Davis, IAPMO chief administrative officer
“I was saddened to hear about the passing of former President Bob West, a great friend. I remember during IAPMO’s troubling times, Bob was instrumental in developing a solid foundation for the organization. I was very fortunate to follow Bob in line to be the next president. He always gave me great guidance on any issues that could have slowed IAPMO’s progress. Bob was a true friend, and any problem I would encounter I could always depend on him for guidance. Bob, rest in peace and thanks for being a great friend and great president.”
– Denvert Boney, retired Washington, D.C., chief plumbing inspector

Geoff Bilau
Last modified: September 3, 2024