IAPMO EGS, LLC, a newly established business unit within The IAPMO Group responsible for testing and certification of electrical products, received accreditation to the ISO/IEC 17025:2005 standard by ACLASS on Sept. 4, 2014. The title of the standard is: “General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories.” ACLASS is recognized by the International Lab Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC), the Asia Pacific Lab Accreditation Cooperation (APLAC), and the Inter American Accreditation Cooperation (IAAC) as a signatory of multilateral recognition arrangements that facilitate acceptance of test and calibration data internationally.
To become accredited, IAPMO EGS was rigorously audited by ACLASS in July. ACLASS’s audit staff spent multiple days on site reviewing documentation, examining test setups, and interviewing employees for compliance to ISO/IEC 17025:2005. At the conclusion of the audit, the lead ACLASS assessor stated that “IAPMO EGS is a highly competent organization.”
The benefits of ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accreditation include:
• Provides formal recognition of the competency of a lab, as demonstrated by a published certificate document located on the ACLASS website. Laboratory accreditation is used as a means to confirm technical competence.
• Provides confidence in the services of a lab. Each test standard, the specific properties measured, and the type of equipment used to test to that standard are listed on a scope document, also located on the ACLASS website. Having an objective third party audit team review the operations of the company gives customers confidence in the results of that company verses one that is not accredited.
• Provides industry and government regulators a way to find reliable services. Since ACLASS publishes the companies that are accredited on their website, interested parties know the lab has been thoroughly reviewed by knowledgeable assessors.
• Provides a means of reducing trade barriers and costs since several international lab accreditation bodies recognize ACLASS. In many cases, accreditation by a company recognized by these international bodies allows acceptance of test results across borders. This can eliminate the need for additional assessments, which reduces cost.
IAPMO EGS is accredited by ACLASS to test to more than 30 electrical, mechanical, plumbing and EPA ENERGY STAR® standards covering pool and spa equipment, bathtub equipment, irrigation equipment, electric faucets and bidets, personal hygiene and health care appliances, and suction fittings.
IAPMO EGS is a trusted name for independent testing and listing for the pool, spa and bathtub industries. IAPMO EGS is committed to providing quality testing and listing services at competitive rates in a timely manner. Our knowledgeable staff will work with you to ensure that each testing and listing project is handled efficiently, helping you get your product to market faster.

Tony Zhou
Last modified: July 14, 2023