The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) last week completed a successful 88th annual Education and Business Conference at the Egan Convention Center and Captain Cook Hotel in Anchorage, Alaska.
Membership made its final recommendations toward development of the 2018 editions of the American National Standard Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) and Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC) during the Association Technical Meeting Convention, debating and casting votes to approve or reject all proposed changes for the last time in this code cycle. Membership recommendations will be sent to the Technical Committees for one final vote, and any filed appeals will be heard by the Standards Council in November. Look to the IAPMO website for council hearing information. The new editions will be released in the first quarter of 2018.
The association re-elected President DJ Nunez, state of California Plumbing and Mechanical Inspector, and Vice President David Straub, retired city and county of Denver Plumbing Inspector, to second one-year terms, as well as re-electing Board of Directors members Steve Panelli, Chief Plumbing Inspector, city and county of San Francisco, Tom Bigley, Director of Plumbing Services, United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters, and Jeremy Stettler, Plumbing Inspector, Davis School District, Davis County, Utah. Membership also elected two new Board of Directors members: Claudio Spagnuolo, Plumbing Inspector, city of Brampton, Canada, and Ian Longacre, Plumbing and Mechanical Inspector, city of Santa Fe, N.M. Keith Bonenfant, state of California Mechanical Inspector, was appointed as Board of Directors Secretary/Treasurer.
During the opening session, IAPMO honored five members who have gone above and beyond on behalf of the association with the following awards for 2017:
• Joseph Kneidinger Green Professional of the Year: Arnie Rodio, Pace Setter Plumbing, Lancaster, Calif.
• American Flag Award: Laura Biggie, National Recruitment and Outreach Coordinator for the United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters
• Government Person of the Year: Dana Tuttle, Senior Plumbing Inspector, State of Maine
• Industry Person of the Year: John Parizek, Lead Instructor, Minneapolis Plumbers Training Program
• George Kauffman Lifetime Achievement Award: Gary Hile, Chief Plumbing/Mechanical Inspector, City of Anchorage, Alaska
Four-time Iditarod champion and cancer survivor Lance Mackey delivered the conference’s inspirational keynote address. Conference goers participated in top-notch seminars and code workshops, as well as the annual Chapter Leadership Summit Luncheon, where local IAPMO chapter officials network and learn from one another.
IAPMO’s 89th annual Education and Business Conference will be held in Philadelphia, Sept. 30-Oct. 4, 2018.
Last modified: October 2, 2017