The country’s improving economy has prompted manufacturers to develop new innovative products and modify their existing products in order to enhance functional product features. As technology rapidly improves, IAPMO Standards Development stands ready to meet yours and the needs of the industry.
IAPMO develops industry standards, which cover innovative new designed products not covered by existing standards. Often, new products or new technologies surge ahead far faster than existing standards can keep pace. Through our industry standards, IAPMO provides manufacturers and product developers a vehicle for introducing new products to the marketplace in a timely manner. IAPMO also develops standards that qualify as American National Standards. IAPMO’s national standards are developed via an open consensus process, in accordance with the ANSI Essential Requirements: Due process requirements for American National Standards, the IAPMO Policies and Procedures for Consensus Development of American National Standards, and approved by the respective Standards Committee.
IAPMO industry standards undergo a rigorous development and revision procedure requiring input from interested stakeholders, including manufacturers, city officials, building and plumbing inspectors, and product distributors through our open standards development process. This includes a 20-day public review period, where the draft standard is published on our public web page. The standard is presented for review and adoption to IAPMO’s Standards Review Committee (SRC), a standing body of experts in product review and certification, before the industry consensus standard is published. All this is done to confirm that IAPMO’s Standards Department continues the development and revision of all its industry and ANSI national standards in a thoroughly comprehensive manner as possible. The IAPMO SRC meets every month to review proposals for new IAPMO standards and revisions to existing standards.
IAPMO Standards Development develops and maintains the following types of industry
● IGC: “IAPMO Guide Criteria,” developed for innovative products not addressed by
existing standards
● IS: IAPMO “Installation Standard,” for industry installation practices for
plumbing products
● PS: IAPMO “Material and Property Standard,” supersedes the IGC standard
for same product
● TS: IAPMO “Trailer and Recreational Vehicle Standard,” for trailer and
recreational vehicles
The progressive services offered by IAPMO standards are unrivaled in the industry. The industry can rest assured that IAPMO Standards will serve its product standard need. We’re continually open to suggestions and thinking of new ways to further enhance our services to better serve you — manufacturers, industry, and society.
There has never been a better time to have IAPMO develop your product’s standard to help get it tested and certified for enhanced marketing within today’s rapidly emerging market, but it all begins with development of your product’s performance standard. IAPMO Standards Development can be reached at (909) 472-4100 or at

Hugo Aguilar, P.E.
Last modified: December 29, 2022