We’re listening! Your voice has been heard and made a substantial difference in molding the new membership database, which we anticipate will be fully functioning this summer. The database will allow you to login and retrieve all the “Members Only” benefits, articles and resources, and will also allow you to have control of your membership.
Over the last few years, the Membership Department has received numerous suggestions/comments about our membership database. We know that you, the IAPMO member, often had difficulty accessing and navigating the database, and in fact my staff at times struggled with it.
The IAPMO IT team, led by Aaron Gibson and with some heavy lifting by Ed Rossmango and Ivan Macedo, came to the rescue and have designed a new web-based membership platform.
When you login to the new system, you’ll now be able to:
- Update your profile
- Add a picture
- Print your member card
- Print your member certificate
- Access valuable resources such as code updates and the Official magazine library
- View invoices and print receipts
These are some of the features that we know you will enjoy and will find easy to use. You will have access to your information 24 hours a day, which is so important in the busy world in which we live.
Of course, this will be the initial rollout of our new membership database, and we are excited to hear what you think. As we all become acclimated to the new system, we will learn through your feedback any requests or additions that you would like to see and add the possibilities of shaping a platform that works best for you.
Because plumbing is a growing field according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics*, employment in the industry is projected to grow 16 percent from 2016 to 2026, much faster than the average for all occupations. As the industry grows, it becomes more important to stay informed of the latest technology, tools, and education available.
With the implementation of the new database and your suggestions, we look forward to molding the perfect, administratively sound membership platform that works for you. Of course, keeping your information secure is a top priority, as always.
Suggestions and comments are always encouraged, please feel free to provide feedback at membershipservices@iapmo.org or call (800) 854-2766, option #6.
*Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters, on the Internet at bls.gov (visited February, 6, 2024).

Tricia Megee
Last modified: March 18, 2024