IAPMO, Indian Plumbing Association to Implement Comprehensive Plumbing Training Initiative
Bengaluru, India — The lack of plumbing infrastructure and a trained, certified workforce has long plagued the citizens of India, for...
IAPMO R&T Lab Opens Testing Laboratory in China
IAPMO R&T Lab, a long-trusted name in independent testing, research and technical services for the plumbing and mechanical industries,...
IAPMO Schedules Technical Committee Meetings, Releases 2009 UPC and UMC
The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) will hold its annual Technical Committee Meetings May 4-5 at the...
Another first for IAPMO R&T: Certification to the California Lead Plumbing Law
In June 2008, Chicago Faucet became the first plumbing product manufacturer to have its products tested in compliance with the California...
Standards Council Issues TIA UPC-001-09 and Approves Extracted ASHRAE 62.1-2007, Ventilation Rate Table
The IAPMO Standards Council on Jan. 23 issued two decisions: One approving Tentative Interim Amendment UPC-001-09 to the 2009 Uniform...
Perkins Replace Retired Raimer in IAPMO Field Services
Dwight Perkins has been named Director of Field Operations and Don Swords as Region 8 Field Manager for the International Association of...
2009 Uniform Codes Slated for Release on March 1
The 2009 editions of the Uniform Plumbing Code® (UPC) and Uniform Mechanical Code® (UMC), published by the International Association of...
Comment Period Extended for IAPMO Solar, Swimming Pool Codes
The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) is calling for all proposed changes to the Uniform Solar Energy...
IAPMO to Honor ‘Greenest’ Contractors
At its 80th Annual Education and Business Conference, Sept. 27-Oct. 1, 2009, in San Diego, and all subsequent conferences, the...
Standards Council Issues TIA UMC-019-06, Approves Extracted ASHRAE 34-2007 Refrigerant Table
The IAPMO Standards Council on Dec. 12 issued two decisions: one approving Tentative Interim Amendment UMC-019-06 to the 2006 Uniform...