Product certification in North America is a competitive undertaking, with numerous organizations vying for manufacturers’ business. However, not all third-party certification bodies are alike. Most are accredited to ISO/IEC Guide 65, the standard by which such organizations are measured internationally, but after that the similarities become less clear.
IAPMO R&T is the premier third-party certification body for plumbing and mechanical products in North America. We’ve been certifying products to applicable governing standards for 75 years. IAPMO R&T’s Marks of Conformity are readily recognized and well accepted throughout the United States and Canada. Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) seek out our marks because of the trust they’ve repeatedly been able to place upon them.
Our competitors, of course, would like to surpass IAPMO R&T at the top of the leader board and will go to great lengths to try and lure manufacturers as clients. Lately we’ve been seeing a lot of “special offers” being thrown around: Two for the price of one … No fees for a year … Free, free, free.
Well, more often than not you seem to get what you pay for, right? What sounds too good to be true usually is.
IAPMO R&T reached our premier status by doing two things — and doing them extremely well.
1. Delivering a Mark of Conformity with as much trust behind it as any in
the industry.
2. Providing fast, attentive customer service so that clients are never left wondering when they might expect their listing to be completed.
While a competitor may beat IAPMO R&T’s price — for a limited time only, of course — the manufacturer takes that deal unsure as to what exactly they’re receiving in return.
When all is said and done, what does “free” really buy? Second-rate customer service and a listing that fails to deliver on its promises? Hidden fees that appear as soon as the original offer expires? A lot of buyer’s remorse?
We encourage manufacturers to save themselves the potential hassle and go with the known commodity: IAPMO R&T. These manufacturers understand quite well that when it comes to choosing a partner who meets all of their product certification needs, nobody beats IAPMO R&T. The UPC Mark of Conformity doesn’t just meet the requirement — it carries value and integrity, and facilitates a product’s introduction to
the market; it doesn’t just knock on doors, it opens them.
IAPMO R&T means outstanding service, a recognizable and widely accepted Mark of Conformity and a fair price that won’t leave you regretting everything you gave up in hopes of saving a buck or two.
When we say IAPMO R&T is first in fast, trusted certification, it’s more than just slogan — it’s the truth. For more information on having plumbing and mechanical products certified, direct your Web browser to or call (877) 4-UPC-MARK.

Ohannes Dembekjian
Last modified: December 30, 2022