Written by IAPMO 4:13 pm ASSE

ASSE International Calls for Scald Awareness Task Group Participants White Paper Development for Potential Scalding Hazards Relating to Improperly Set Limit Stops

The ASSE International Scald Awareness Task Group is now seeking members for the development of an educational white paper to promote the necessity of properly setting limit stops on devices that limit temperature, such as automatic compensating valves for showers or tub/shower combinations and water temperature limiting devices. This task group, chaired by ASSE International Past President Richard Prospal, will also create and distribute promotional tools designed to raise awareness of the potential for scalding water temperatures due to improperly set limit stops. Formed in 2009, the ASSE International Scald Awareness Task Group has the important purpose of educating the plumbing industry and public about the disfiguring and painful problem of scald burns.

“Over the past few years, ASSE International has published two white papers pertaining to scald hazards,” Prospal said. “Both of these papers have been very well received and have helped to educate the public about good plumbing practices and the potential for scald injuries if good practices are not followed. The forming Scald Awareness Task Group will work with ASSE International’s industry partners to raise awareness of potential hazards associated with improperly set limit stops and work toward preventing scald injuries, especially to high risk groups such as young children and the elderly.”

The resulting white paper, developed by this task group, will establish the necessity of properly setting these limit stops. The paper will not be intended as a “how-to” instruction manual, but rather a guide for plumbers, installers, maintenance personnel and homeowners as to why and when limit stops must be set.

This committee is open to anyone who has an interest in preventing scald injuries; membership in ASSE International is not necessary. The first meeting of the Scald Awareness Task Group is tentatively scheduled for February 2014. All meetings of this group will be via conference call.

All those interested in participating must complete and submit an application for committee / working group membership to Richard J. Prospal, Scald Awareness Task Group chairman, via e-mail at rjprospal@asse-plumbing.org. Applications must be received by Friday, Jan. 10, 2014.

ASSE International is an ANSI-accredited standards developer and product certification body comprised of members representing all disciplines of the plumbing and mechanical industries. ASSE’s product performance standards, professional qualifications standards, professional certification and product listing programs aim to improve the performance and safety of plumbing and mechanical systems. Learn more about ASSE International at http://www.asse-plumbing.org.

Last modified: December 5, 2013
