Each and every one of us at a young age made a life decision to start a career in the trades. For me, more than 30 years ago I interviewed for a “temporary” job with The IAPMO Group.
I have worked with amazing men and women who have provided leadership while guiding our members and maintaining a high standard of professionalism. In my current position as vice president of Membership, my staff and I are working hard to provide you with all the benefits of being an IAPMO member. During my career, I have developed friendships with many of our leaders, board members, chapter members, etc.
I want to address our newest apprentice members. I am speaking to those of you who are just now beginning your careers in the trades. I want to make it very clear — you are joining an organization that is going to help you grow professionally and personally. If you look at our current Board of Directors, you will realize they started just like you; young, eager, hardworking and dedicated to the trades. These leaders have been IAPMO members for their entire careers.
At this point I want to highlight Don Summers Jr. Don began as an IAPMO member on Nov. 20, 2000. Don is a life member of both ASSE and IAPMO and he is a great friend to all who know him. Additionally, Don recently received his 50-year membership pin and certificate from Local 562 in St. Louis, Missouri.
Don started his education and career as a journeyman plumber and was determined to continue with this as a lifelong career. After completing five years of education and earning his journeyman license, Don continued his education for an additional five years to receive his certification in tungsten, arc, and microwire welding. Again, that still wasn’t enough. He continued his career in this field and earned a degree in Instructor Training as well as a master’s in vocational plumbing/welding and pipefitting, graduating at the top of his class with a 4.0 GPA in all.
Education and dedication have guided Don through a very successful career as a journeyman plumber, steward, foreman, instructor and director of training, as well as the opportunity to open his own consulting business.
Don has been a member of IAPMO for 24 years, and a member of ASSE for 29 years, including holding the position of ASSE International president. While much credit for his successes is without doubt the result of his education and training, the connections Don has made through IAPMO and ASSE over the years will last forever. The involvement through these associations has connected him in ways that a new member would never imagine. I can’t stress enough how getting involved will create unique opportunities throughout your career, as well as the lifelong friends that you will meet on whom you can count for advice and guidance at any given time.
In closing, I will say once again we all start somewhere. For many of you, it was as an
apprentice. When I see Don, he is not just a good friend to the association family members, he is a member that started out just like you.
This is your opportunity to look in the mirror, find your path to success and get involved. Take the opportunity to join us at our annual conference, get involved in a committee that is of interest to you, and/or visit your local chapter meeting to meet others who are part of this great association. You are part of the BIG picture, you are the future, and you are family.

Tricia Megee
Last modified: June 11, 2024