Los Angeles — On the fourth floor of one of the first buildings constructed to uniform plumbing requirements, the Los Angeles City Council on Friday presented a resolution honoring the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) for its nearly 82 years of public service.
In the council chambers at City Hall, councilmember Dennis Zine introduced the resolution recognizing IAPMO’s “endless dedication and commitment to providing the standard of plumbing and sanitation, all in an effort to protect public health and safety throughout the world.”
The 26-story City Hall building was constructed in 1929, one year after the city adopted the first incarnation of a uniform plumbing code developed by the Los Angeles City Plumbing Inspectors Association. LACPIA became the Western Plumbing Officials Association in 1945 and later IAPMO in 1966.
“IAPMO began almost 82 years ago right here in the City of Los Angeles,” IAPMO Executive Director GP Russ Chaney told the council. “In 1926, a group of Los Angeles plumbing inspectors recognized that there were no uniform requirements for the installation and maintenance of plumbing systems, and at that point in time disease was rampant, a lot of it spread through improper sanitation.
“It was the City of Los Angeles plumbing inspectors that recognized the development of a model code that could be uniformly applied was a necessity. So, being recognized today at the Los Angeles City Council is truly coming back home.”
Councilmember Wendy Greuel added her own comments praising IAPMO’s understated legacy. “IAPMO’s work is truly lifesaving and they are the world’s recognized experts in protecting us through their hard work and thorough codes,” Greuel said. “We take it for granted that the water we drink will be safe and that our health will be protected. It is the many decades of work by IAPMO that allows us to take our clean water, public safety and sanitation for granted.”
Attending the ceremony with Chaney were a host of IAPMO employees and partners, including: Gaby Davis, IAPMO senior director of Worldwide Operations; Roscoe King, IAPMO instructor and chapter chairman; Mike Massey, Piping Industry Progress and Education Trust Fund executive director; Ed Saltzberg, 50-year IAPMO member; Andrew Adelman and Amir Tabakh of the City of Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety.
“The City honors a great organization today with its resolution,” Massey said. “You are honoring countless members of IAPMO who care passionately about the plumbing and piping codes, their craft and their industry. You’re honoring one of the most professional, competent, honest, ethical, moral and devoted group of people in the world.”
Last modified: February 22, 2008