Written by IAPMO 3:50 pm Code News, Plumbing News

IAPMO Standards Council Denies Issuance of TIAs UPC-005-12 and UPC-006-12

The IAPMO Standards Council on April 17 denied issuance of two Tentative Interim Amendments affecting the 2012 Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC®), TIAs UPC-005-12 and UPC-006-12.

TIA UPC-005-12 requested new language to Section 1602.2.3 “Diversion,” by adding an exception. The proposed TIA was balloted through the Plumbing Technical Committee in accordance with the Regulations Governing Committee Projects to determine if there existed the necessary three-fourths majority support on technical merit and emergency nature to establish the recommendation for issuance. The ballot fell short on both accounts.

TIA UPC-006-12 requested new language to Table A 2.1 – “Water Supply Fixture Units (WSFU) and Minimum Fixture Branch Pipe Sizes.” The proposed TIA was similarly balloted through the Plumbing Technical Committee and also feel short on technical merit and emergency nature.

Although the Standards Council may overturn the Technical Committee’s recommendation if clear and substantial reasons exist to do so, it found no such reasons in either case and hence denied issuance of both TIAs.

TIAs are proposals based on the determination of an emergency nature requiring prompt action to amend code that contains an error or omission that was overlooked during the regular code development process, contains a conflict within the document or with another IAPMO document, or to correct a hazard, promote an advancement in safeguarding the public or provide an opportunity to correct an adverse impact on a product or method of installation.

Last modified: April 17, 2015
